
Fur Blot Test

What do you see?

Photo By: TSE


At 1/21/2007 1:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think this is an Egyptian fresco of (left to right) Pharaoh and his wife with their baby :)

At 1/21/2007 11:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The middle blot resembles a human and the far left looks like maybe a camel or some sort of creature sideways. The right one hmm....not sure what that one looks like.

At 1/22/2007 12:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

we think the black fur in the middle is a lady dancing

At 1/22/2007 1:07 AM, Blogger Kitty Cats Corner said...

Tell your furrends to come and guess! We'd like to see how many diffurrent responses we can get.

It'll be neat to see how we can all see something completely diffurrent in the same thing. Dont ya think?

At 1/22/2007 8:37 PM, Blogger Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

It's a cat butt...

At 1/23/2007 1:44 AM, Blogger KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

o, it be a mommy rockin a babee 'n a big person next to hers on one side 'n somefing else on tha ofer side. that's what it is.

At 1/23/2007 3:32 AM, Blogger Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Left to right: a Saxophone player, a lady dancing, and a speaker about to fall over!

At 1/23/2007 3:51 AM, Blogger Lux said...

Three enticing black bugs on a lighter background!

At 1/23/2007 8:22 AM, Blogger sammawow said...

I was trying to think of something clever but then I looked over and realized that I was your 2,000th visitor! So I will have to look again at the picture!


At 1/23/2007 8:29 AM, Blogger Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Oh, we had ta poynt out to our momma dat der is a kitty atween da two peeps on der. Da man is petting da kitty and da lady is sprinkling catnip on da kitty fur-nichur. And den mom said dat we forgotted dat der is also a pretty calico kitty sportin dem spots! Oh yeah, we nailed dis one.

At 1/23/2007 8:30 AM, Blogger sammawow said...

I totally agree with Dragonheart because I saw the saxophone player on the left and the lady dancing in the middle but I didn't know what was on the right!


At 1/23/2007 11:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We see three beans walking in a beautiful sunset.

At 1/23/2007 12:41 PM, Blogger Mattingly said...

Well I also see the Saxophone player on the left. And I think the lady in the middle is playing a tambourine.
So I thought it was a little blues band or something, but then the black spot on the right looks like a squid... so I'm just not sure what it all means!

At 1/23/2007 1:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

we wanna add to our comment about the lady dancing in the middle - that DOES look like a saxophone player on the left. no wonder she's dancing!

At 1/23/2007 4:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Definitely a saxaphone player on the left and a lady in the middle. I thought it was a dog on the right and either the lady is dancing or petting the dog...I don't know which. Lot going on on a cat's butt!! heehee

At 1/23/2007 10:59 PM, Blogger Ivan from WMD said...

I see some guy playing a saxophone, a lady dancing and someone seated watching her or enjoying the music. Or maybe it's just some fur.

Wow, I just read the other comments and see I'm not first with this. So I think it's just some fur.

At 1/24/2007 2:26 AM, Blogger Kitty Cats Corner said...

Hi efurryone!

*giggle* Luvs the comments so furr. Keep 'em comin'!

psssssst - I see a lady in the middle wif her hands on her hips. She kinda looks pregnated and has a big bum. Maybe 2 headless men on each side? MOL!

At 1/27/2007 1:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I see a standard poodle dancing with a lady with big hair....


At 2/05/2007 12:59 PM, Blogger Joe said...

It's a jazz band. The guy on the left is playing the sax, the sexy female lead vocalist is in the center and the guitarist on the right is standing wrong to get the neck of his guitar in the silhouette.


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